
Will you be my bridesmaid?

Best Man
Brother of the Groom
Caitlin’s family moved down the street the summer before my fourth grade year. As kids Caitlin and I spent countless hours playing Tutti-frutti and Silent Marco Polo in the pool and Spyro and Yoshi on PS1. There were innumerable games of Night Tag, Man Hunt, Ghost, Wall Ball, 4 Square, and Capture the Flag, and even more hours spent building teepees in the woods, baking on the driveway after swimming, and sledding on snow days (with jumps, of course). We watched all the best movies and TV shows, like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Walking Dead, and of course, Supernatural. She’s tough as nails and has been my concert buddy from day one.
Caitlin asked me to be her maid of honor for her wedding in 2017. I was delighted to ask her to return the favor. Whatever we’re doing, we always have fun and she never makes me feel like I am too much. We get each other and you can’t ask for a better friend than that.
Jamie is the middle Price sister. We may have been mortal enemies growing up, but how does that saying go? Distance makes the heart grow and what not…
At only three years apart, we grew up together and experienced a lot of the same things in similar ways, as I’m sure siblings who are close in age often do. The sheer quantity of shared experiences creates a common perspective that I don’t have with anyone else. It makes us an unbeatable Pictionary team. I can always rely on Jamie to provide a reasonable opinion and of course, excellent medical advice. I wouldn’t have gotten through the COVID craziness without her.
Lauren is the youngest Price sister. She likes to cook, and when she was little she would frequently make cookies, much to my delight. I liked any variety she made (as long as they weren’t the green ones she made once by substituting avocado for butter). When I moved home after college, I remember afternoons spent watching TV shows together after Lauren got home from school. I will say quite definitely that not all of the shows we watched were good (Jungle Gold, Terra Nova). I also remember several Team Grey Mare, Don’t Care horse shows (most of which were fairly successful.)
Jamie and Elizabeth were friends since kindergarten and we often all played together. I remember many sleepovers, dance routines, and singing contests. While I was away for college, Elizabeth had taken up an interest in horses and Jamie taught her how to ride on our pony Sierra. When I moved back from college, I didn’t have a horse to ride so I started taking lessons with Elizabeth at Springhill Farm. This led to a great many post-lesson breakfast trips to Dutch Corner. We have since been on many adventures together, including several horse shows, my first ever attempt at snowboarding, and, for some reason, taking both our younger sisters to Maryland’s #1 haunted attraction.
Elizabeth is always down for in-depth and ofttimes technical conversations on various subjects, and I love that. It’s also really, really, nice having a horse friend to do horsey stuff with.
For whatever reason, you’ll find in your life there are some people you just click with. I met Hendy in college through a mutual friend. She was a year ahead of me, but we dormed together my junior year and we quickly became inseparable. Even after she graduated, she stayed in the area and we were always hanging out. We made a great team (as long as we’re not talking about beer pong), worked well together, and lived together effortlessly. To this day, she is the only person I’ve trusted to complete a group project that had my name on it. She’s given me some of the most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received, from a bracelet honoring my favourite pony at Centenary, to getting me a disco fry “cake” with the freshest ingredients sourced from BLD itself.
Our adventures include Black Friday shopping, the Keys, Punta Cana, and getting stranded in NYC after going to an 80’s roller disco and missing the last train back to Hoboken. Here’s to half-priced apps at Applebee’s, Bar 46, BLD, late night QuickChek, T Bell, Hot Bagels, and sushi night. She still lives in New Jersey and I don’t get to see her nearly as much as I like. She made my time at Centenary awesome, and I am truly grateful for that.
Mon Mon and I met in first grade and we quickly became friends. I have many fond memories of sleep overs and playing “horses” (obviously) in the waiting area of her family’s restaurant. (I’m sure the other customers appreciated that.) Even though we went to different middle schools, we were lucky enough to go to the same high school. Senior year we took several art classes together, including a private class Ms. Trag made just for us. We listened to ALL of the music; thank you for opening that world to me. She was part of the family and I was very happy to have her included in our family vacations. She’s my go to art friend. If I need an opinion about colors, composition, or design, I can talk to her knowing we’re both coming from the same place. She moved to Chicago after college and I don’t get to see her nearly enough.